Monitoring and Managing Ash (MaMA) in the St. Lawrence – Eastern Lake Ontario (SLELO) region
The Ecological Research Institute has partnered with SLELO (the St. Lawrence Eastern Lake Ontario Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management) to implement the Monitoring and Managing Ash (MaMA) program throughout the region, including by presenting a series of training workshops in August, 2019 on MaMA’s comprehensive approach to ash conservation and EAB mitigation. The MaMA program complements ongoing tribal and agency efforts to track the spread of EAB in the region.
In much of the SLELO region, EAB has yet to be recorded, but at some places within it, EAB was first detected as early as 2016, while areas just beyond SLELO’s boundaries have had detections dating back to 2013. The SLELO MaMA Action Map indicates the particular actions prioritized for different parts of the SLELO region and adjacent areas, based upon their EAB detection histories. Crucially, these actions include steps that can facilitate detection of “lingering ash” – trees that are likely to have some level of EAB resistance – so they can be used in the effort to breed locally adapted, highly EAB-resistant native ash. This map will be updated using information provided by participants in MaMA’s three citizen-science projects, along with agency data. The current version of the SLELO MaMA Action Map is included in the MaMA program brochure specially tailored to the SLELO region.
Single-session MaMA training workshops will be offered in the SLELO region on August 2, 3, 5, and 6. At these, you’ll learn how to manage ash for long-term conservation and short-term EAB mitigation and how to participate in MaMA’s citizen-science projects to enable detection and protection of lingering ash, which are crucial to the breeding of EAB-resistant trees. Most importantly, you’ll learn why it’s important to leave standing live ash, especially healthy ones, as cutting all the ash both prevents finding trees with EAB resistance and typically accelerates the spread of EAB.

Continuing education credits: NYS Nursery and Landscape Association (3.5 CNLP); International Society of Arboriculture (1.25 Arborist; 1.25 BCMA Practice); Society of American Foresters (3 Cat. 1); and Cornell Cooperative Extension (3 Master Naturalist).
Pre-registration encouraged; for registration or additional information, email or call (845) 419-5229.
Workshop dates and locations in SLELO Region
- Fri., 8/2, 1-4:30 Presented in collaboration with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Meet at DEC office, 7327 State Route 812, Lowville, NY 13367 for lecture followed by hands-on training at the Pratt Northam Foundation Maple Ridge property, Lowville.
- Sat., 8/3, 1-4:30 Presented in collaboration with Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust. Meet at River of Life Fellowship Church, 9871 Number Three Road, Copenhagen, NY 13626 for lecture, followed by hands-on training at Joseph Blake Wildlife Sanctuary, Middle Road, Rutland, NY.
- Mon., 8/5, 1-4:30 Presented in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy. Meet at Sandy Island Beach State Park community room, 23 W. Shore Drive, Pulaski, NY 13142 for lecture; followed by hands-on training at Rainbow Shores Nature Conservancy Sanctuary, Pulaski.
- Tues., 8/6, 1-4:30 Presented in collaboration with Cornell Cooperative Extension Oneida County. Meet at CCE, 121 Second Street Oriskany, NY 13424 for lecture presentation and hands-on training.
MaMA Action Map for SLELO Region